Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Pastor on Missions

"It seems to me that one of the important ways our parish church can best serve our parishoners is by making service and mission opportunities accessible and readily available to individuals, couples, families, Small Groups and groups of friends. Even for those who are new to faith or just giving our church a try, service projects can be a great way to get involved and go deeper. We don't have to devote our whole lives to it, like the missionaries of old, today modern transportation means we can witness and serve for an afternoon, a weekend, or during summer vacation. But it does no good for me to preach about service, if it is not practically available and accessible to you. That is what Brian and I and our volunteer leaders will be working on in the months ahead."

Above is an excerpt of a new blog post from Church of the Nativity Pastor, Fr. White. Fr. White traveled to Haiti this summer and has been a driving force behind NATIVITY:NIGERIA from its beginning four years ago. The full post can be found on his blog. You can also find the link to this blog on the left side under "Partners."

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