Saturday, August 1, 2009

And They're Off

This morning at about 6:45, the entire NATIVITY:NIGERIA met to pack up boxes and get ready to depart. After some coffee and bagels, the cars were loaded and the whole team headed down to BWI. Tons of boxes, luggage, and travelers later everybody made it to the airport and got themselves all checked in. After an hour delay, they headed off to JFK where they will connect with their international flight to Abuja.

As of about a half hour ago, they had just landed in JFK in New York and are enjoying their last American meal for a few weeks. Then it is off to Abuja through Senegal. Rob Douglas even met someone from Nigeria on the flight to JFK. Off to a great start, stay tuned!


Candeedarling said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with the group on their amazing journey. We cannot wait to hear about all the wonderful things they do in Nigeria!
The Brosnans
(Rob Devereux's family)

Anonymous said...

Rob, I know that you and the NATIVITY:NIGERIA team will make an incredible difference among all those you meet. God's blessing for the work you do and for your health