Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Some Time to Grill

This past Sunday, all of the ministers of the NATIVITY:NIGERIA team met for some grilling, potluck, and fellowship. We had all of the participants as well as lots of family members (even some nieces and nephews!). The Pompa's were gracious enough to host everyone and do some serious grilling. Gin Gin even showed up with a cake with our new logo on the front of it. This is something that we have continued to do each year and has been an awesome way for all of the families to get to know each other in the few weeks before we head off to Nigeria. We even had some alumni stop in and hang out for a bit which was great. The upcoming two weeks will certainly be a sprint as we lead up to our departure on August 1st, but this was an awesome way to take some time to relax and hang out as one big team.

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