Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Visiting with Dr. Chris

In the past few days, Dr. Chris Isichei, Director of Faith Alive Hospital, has been visiting with different organizations in the States. Dr. Chris was gracious enough to spend some time visiting with past NATIVITY:NIGERIA team members as well as our planning committees. Last night, Dr. Chris came to Nativity to work on some filming with Church of the Nativity's Creative Director, meet with the Pastor, and discuss the water projects we are currently partnering on. Dr. Chris informed us that the borehole drilling has begun at Bakin Kogi and will begin shortly at Faith Alive Hospital. NATIVITY:NIGERIA is providing a borehole for Faith Alive Hospital's satellite clinic in Bakin Kogi as well as a backup borehole to the current one at Faith Alive Hospital. Working with Dr. Chris, the team also finalized plans for a borehole and sanitation facilities at Hwol Yarje. This site is home to a village and a school which is directed by Faith Alive Hospital. Through an integrated education program, school teachers will incorporate sanitation, hand washing, and the importance of using potable water into their daily curriculum. The hospital will also be providing adult education in conjunction with the village leadership. The team is also working with Dr. Chris to identify other projects to partner on in the future.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Thanks for all you do for Faith Alive--all that clean water will be awesome! Erika