Friday, February 4, 2011

2011 Application

Above you will find the information and the 2011 application for the NATIVITY:NIGERIA mission this upcoming summer.

Please note that the application is due by March 27, 2011. After that time, individual interviews will be conducted with applicants.

Please submit all completed applications to the Information Desk at Church of the Nativity or

There will be an information session at Church of the Nativity after all Masses on the weekend of March 12-13, 2011 for all those interested in learning more about this ministry.

Please direct all questions to


Marivan said...

Passando para fazer uma visita e ser um seguidor do seu blog.
Gostaria de ser seu amigo.
Pode acompanhar as minhas notícias e se tornar membro do meu blog no:

Qualquer coisa estamos por aí.

lit said...

Is this application about doing charity?
Wish to understand more info about this.