Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflection from Shagali

As mentioned, we will be sharing some reflections from past missionaries given at this month's Shagali event. This reflection comes from Jess Brown, who spent time with Sister Oresoa and the community of Anawim Home last summer.

"There is humbling evidence throughout Nigeria that God's love and compassion shines through the simplicity of life. The daily works of Sr. Oresoa and the Sisters of the Poorest of the Poor are predictably modest and self-sacrificing. Without fear or compliant, the sisters live a meager existence, rising early each day for Mass, serving as best they can the needs of so many, and giving of themselves in every awe-inspiring way.

But it was in the eyes of the children, that God's grace was so evident. In some ways, their lives were so very different from mine. These children lived without the distractions of technology, without the comfort of regular electricity and running water, without the guarantee of a next meal. And yet, they smiled with dignity in the simplest of pleasures - receiving pencil sharpeners and erasers from our team, reading ethnically rich novels, playing soccer on the front lawn, performing daily chores, and merely sharing a conversation with someone who really cared about them in the moment." - Jess Brown, Anawim Home Mission Team 2011

Dr. Chris Isichei (Founder - Faith Alive Hospital), Kathi Rogers &, Jess Brown (Missionaries) at Shagali

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