Monday, April 30, 2012

Word of the Week: Chosen

When we first entered the local destitute houses, walked room-to-room in Gwagalada's barren community school, or visited the impoverished villages at the outskirts of town, the word which initially came to mind was forgotten.  But the eyes of each of those we met told a much richer story.  This was a community deeply rooted in love for each other, and sustained by a clear and unwavering belief in Christ.

Through their hardships, they thanked God for His provision, and worked selflessly to support the needs of those around them.  They served as an amazing example that they, like all of us, are a chosen people - specifically created and favored by God.  From the people we met during our time in Nigeria, I learned firsthand what it means to remain hopeful, guided by faith, and to humbly and selfless support your community's collective needs.  - Tyler DeVan, Anawim Home Team '11

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