Hello All!! We have safely arrived in Nigeria after two long days of traveling. The flight was long, no doubt, but the flight from Germany to Abuja, Nigeria was fairly empty and we all got some decent rest while stretching out over an empty plane. Our hosts have been extremely enthusiatic to have us and are very friendly. We were all greeted with huge smiles and hugs when we completed a stressful adventure through Nigerian Customs. After our first dinner in Abuja, we traveled to a Guest House in the city for one night. We stayed in Abuja for the first night, because we arrived in Abuja in the early evening, and night travel is not recommended through rural areas. For this reason, we saved our trek to Jos for this morning (wednesday morning). After many stops along the way; a flat tire and a few police check-points, we finally made it to Jos. Upon our arrival, we ate lunch and fixed another flat tire. The only thing funnier than fixing two flat tires in a day, are the crowds that gather to watch foreigners change flat tires. We were obviously the highlight of the day for one village we drove through, as about 30 people (mostly young children) came to watch us. How many people does it take to change a tire in Nigeria? Well today, it took 5 Americans and 2 Nigerians. No wonder we were so entertaining. We are now getting ready to move into our Guest House here in Jos, where we will be staying for about a week. We also met Dr. Chris earlier for the first time, who shared some amazing facts with us: he sees up to 400 new patients a day, and as many as 17,000 in May alone. This only goes to show that our help and time here will be extremely valuable to Faith Alive and their cause here in Jos. Well thank you for reading, and make sure to check back with us soon!
Signing off Nativity!
-Jason "I forgot the sheets" Hillis
Did you forget your AAA card?
We are glad you have arrived safely. We will continue to pray for the group.
The Goldschers
Glad you all made it safely, sorry to hear about the car, two flat tires are tough sorry I couldn't have been of help, if you need help jumping your car give me a call, i got a set a cables...will be right over.
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