In death, In life,
I'm confident and covered by the power
of Your great love.
My debt is paid,
there's nothing that can separate my heart
from Your great love.
These are the words that rang out in song last night, as members of the NATIVITY:NIGERIA mission team joined together in worship and prayer in support of our Nigerian partners. As we lifted up our brothers and sisters there, and humbly asked God to protect them during this time of widespread strife and conflict, we were encouraged and reminded of God's great love. In times of turmoil, unrest, pain, and suffering, God's love never fails us, it never gives up, it never runs out. Whether here in the States, or oceans away in Jos/Abuja Nigeria, God's love meets us in our needs. He abundantly and faithfully provides for our physical well-being, protection, and sustenance. It is that same love which connects us to our partners, joins us to their needs, and unites us through the universal providence of Christ.
"Shagali: Partners in Prayer" - March 2013 |
As we closed our gathering last night, we joined in praying through God's own words. We share those words with you here, to continue your own remembrance, prayer, and solidarity for our Nigerian partners.
May the Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
- Numbers 6:24-26