Friday, August 13, 2010

Spotlight: Rob Devereux

The fifth installment in our series to help you get to know our team members is with Rob Devereux. Team members were asked to share what they are most excited about as well as what they are most nervous about:

As I travel back to Nigeria again this year, there are many different things going through my mind. I am excited to go back and see all of the people I met last year, and see how they are doing. I have prayed for these people everyday from then until now, and it will be great to see their faces again. I can't wait to form new relationships as well. I am excited to spend time with the new team, and to grow in a better connection with my Creator. I am looking forward to the food, the work, the dancing, and spending time with the children. God has placed me in a position to travel back to see my friends in Nigeria, and it is almost surreal that I get to go back.

I am nervous this year about leaving my dog with my mother. Last year, when I went, my dog was very ill, and almost died while I was gone. This year he has blown out both of his back legs and can barely walk. I am nervous about how he will make it while I am gone since we have been carrying him everywhere for the past few days. It seems like the timing is terrible, but I guess bad news never has good timing. My mother has ordered a doggie wheelchair for him so he should be okay. God has a plan for him - as well as for me, and I trust that in the end everything will work out according to His will.

1 comment:

Donna Devereux Mosher said...

Mugsy is doing great by the way. He is actually walking and the vet felt that he is way ahead of where he should be. This year has been much easier on me because of the daily updates, not having a broken foot and a dog near death. God IS good!!!
I love you Robert.